Listen to our latest music!

Session Zero


Where can I use Dragon Tracks?

Dragon Tracks can be used as background music for all of your content. Podcasts, live-streams, YouTube videos, and social media. If you stream or record your TTRPG games or you just want some music to enhance your content Dragon Tracks is here for you.

Use Dragon Tracks for your content on:
X (formerly Twitter)
…and many more!

Is it free?

Dragon Tracks is available on major music streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music. We don’t charge users to stream our music. If you are interested in buying/downloading our music visit our shop or iTunes.

Will YouTube take my videos down if I use Dragon Tracks?

They shouldn’t. If a claim is put against your video you can use our “License Agreement” for your dispute.

Are Dragon Tracks Songs all originals?

Yes! Our music will feel unique to your group when you play. Let it be the musical score for your epic adventures.

How else can I use Dragon Tracks?

Use it in your home games. Listen in the car. Yoga? Yeah, sure. Just chill and vibe.

Are there any restrictions when using Dragon Tracks?

Yes, Dragon Tracks is not for commercial use. It cannot be re-uploaded to any streaming platforms or used for any “radio streaming” channel on YouTube or Twitch. Contact us for any commercial requests.

How is Dragon Tracks different from other TTRPG music?

We don’t use any proprietary apps or software. You don’t pay us for our music. Dragon Tracks is found where you already listen to your music every day. It is not a soundboard. It is just high quality music for you to immerse your players.